About Me

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GeorGeTown, PenanG, Malaysia
Ong Ghee Oon_Laukao_ A used to be not-so-confident guy, but not now!! Always want his best when decide to do something

Friday, June 27, 2008

__AutoShow.3 Booth Set Up & Recruitment__

The booth is designed by me & my head .Jason Peng , the wording is copied and modified from Game "Need For Speed : Most Wanted "

Pic from Need For Speed:Most wanted

The flyer that I designed but...

due to lack of communication , Director have done another one and since his is more complete and have mo information, so we decide to use his as our flyer

The booth is opened on thursday of week one and closed on thursday of week two , so fast ? why? because we have recruited 267 working committees !!! Over everyone expectation *applause*

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