About Me

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GeorGeTown, PenanG, Malaysia
Ong Ghee Oon_Laukao_ A used to be not-so-confident guy, but not now!! Always want his best when decide to do something

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

_A QuoTe_

Your heart wilL stOp beat_InG,

the sweat fRom you no longer ferVent,

You cant even feel the tast3 in your food

and you will be stilL reGrett~InG

till the last day of your life

__ if you Just let the tRu3 LoV3 go away while doInG ntG TheRe__

So, have you do your best for it?
have I ?

*p.s [ quoted & translated from movie , 3 On 3 ]

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